System approach to the formation of integrated energy systems on the platform of intelligent information technology solutions

UDK: 622.692.4-192
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2020-3-36-40
Key words: energy system, object of management, reliability of the energy system, functioning of the system, supply of consumers, safety of pipeline transport systems
Authors: I.Yu. Lisin (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), A.M. Korolenok (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), Yu.V. Kolotilov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)

The article describes ways to improve the conceptual and methodological framework for the development and adoption of decisions on managing the development and functioning of large energy systems, which should take into account primarily the factors of reliability and safety of operation. The separation of system studies into a special scientific discipline is determined by the general properties and principles of energy system management. The signs of the energy system are the presence of governing bodies, the presence of a hierarchical structure, the influence of random factors, and the continuity of development. Properties of the energy system - the integrity of the system and the autonomy of the subsystems, the economy and reliability of the system, the dynamism of the system, the hierarchy of decisions and the incompleteness of information, the inertia and adaptability of the system, the multi-criteria system. Principles of energy system management are the following: a combination of centralization and decentralization, consistency of management objectives for subsystems, continuous planning and operational management, ensuring redundancy in elements and relationships, a rational hierarchy of controls, economic optimization of management, decision-making with the minimum necessary lead time, the complexity of accounting for external relations and restrictions. It is concluded that the study of reliability should be a necessary step in developing decisions on the management of the functioning of energy systems, as well as its development and reconstruction, since the purpose of this management is to create at the expense of minimal resources such a structure of capacities that would ensure reliable supply of consumers in the foreseeable future.


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