Study of the functioning models of tank farms of marine terminals in the Russian Federation

UDK: 622.692.5(26)
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2020-1-77-80
Key words: marine oil terminal, vertical steel tank, tank farm, oil, oil product
Authors: N.N. Gorban (Caspian Pipeline Consortium JSC, RF, Moscow), G.G. Vasiliev (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), I.A. Leonovich (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), A.P. Salnikov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)
The article discusses the results of a study of existing models for the implementation of tank farms of oil terminals in the Russian Federation and identifies existing approaches to the formation of tank farms as tools for storing and transshipment of oil and oil products. The analysis of existing marine terminals is carried out according to the criteria of their working conditions, characteristics of oil and oil products storage parks and the volume of oil transshipment. General models of the formation of storage parks are identified depending on the specified criteria. Criteria for the implementation of the models, the main factors affecting the choice of the model depending on the functional purpose of the marine terminal are determined. The authors carried out analysis of the criteria for the optimal design of the oil tank at the offshore terminal, taking into account the requirements of the regulatory and technical documentation of the Russian Federation. The article presents the factors influencing the choice of the optimal reservoir design for an offshore oil transshipment terminal. The analysis is made to find the optimal design of the tank of the marine terminal from the lineup, the most used designs in the Russian Federation. The statement of the problem of researching the reliability and safety of reservoir designs that are most optimally suited to the functioning of the offshore oil transshipment terminal is proposed.

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