Multidisciplinary approach to well placement process (geosteering)

UDK: 622.243.23.001
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-4-18-22
Key words: geosteering, drilling, horizontal well, seismic geological analysis, subsurface mapping, well placement
Authors: A.S. Mikhoparkin (IGiRGI JSC, RF, Moscow), I.D. Marchenko (IGiRGI JSC, RF, Moscow), A.V. Khudyakov (IGiRGI JSC, RF, Moscow), D.D. Klychev (IGiRGI JSC, RF, Moscow), V.P. Filimonov (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow)

Nowadays more complex oil and gas deposits are increasingly involved in development. Horizontal wells are often drilled in hard geological and technological conditions, which expectedly reduces the effective length of penetration through the reservoir, increase risks of accidents and possible overdrilling of a wellbore, which as a result, increase the economic costs. The existing situation in the oil and gas industry requires participants of the horizontal well construction to search for new solutions to the geological support for well drilling. Despite the fact that a geosteering engineer has gained experience in several areas of oil and gas industry (geology, geophysics, drilling, completion, etc.), he does not have expert knowledge in these areas, uses standard methods of geosteering in his work regardless of the drilling complications of these wells. Therefore a solution to the previously increase problem is the use of a multidisciplinary approach to geosteering, when a geosteering expert makes the final decision on further drilling of the well based on recommendations of engineers in geo-mechanics, geological and engineering survey, seismic and geological analysis, petrophysics, and uses the results of inversion construction based on induction logging data in his or her work. The trajectory obtained from the directional drilling contractor must be constantly subjected to quality control by the directional survey engineer.

This paper describes the methods and considers their joint use in drilling of horizontal wells and the effectiveness of such a multidisciplinary approach.


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