Expierence of development of the Liael area of Yaregskoye heavy oil field using different technologies

UDK: 622.276.1/.4(470.5)
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2019-10-62-67
Key words: high-viscosity oil, numerical modeling, steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD)
Authors: S.M. Durkin (Ukhta State Technical University, RF, Ukhta), I.N. Menshikova (Ukhta State Technical University, RF, Ukhta), L.M. Rusin (Ukhta State Technical University, RF, Ukhta), A.A. Terentiev (Ukhta State Technical University, RF, Ukhta)

This article shows the experience of the Yaregskoye field development. Consistently, the creation of a geological model of the Lyael area of the Yaregskoye deposit in the RMS Roxar software complex is considered. And also a description of the hydrodynamic model of the experimental site OPU-5, where the SAGD technology is used. Currently, the site under consideration is characterized by the largest volumes of accumulated fishing information, which served as the basis for the adaptation of the model to the history of development, as well as for performing further numerical experiments. For a detailed study of the dynamics of current development indicators, the article presents simulation results for one of five pairs of wells in the experimental site. Based on the results of tracer studies, a selection of the absolute permeability multiplier was carried out using the tool for automated adaptation to CMG's CMOST development and optimization history. The results of solving the inverse problem allowed us to develop recommendations for further research. Also, when visualizing the temperature distribution, the model identified high temperature zones on one of the side faces, which indicates a high probability of the coolant leaving the OPU-5 area. Thus, thanks to the solution of the inverse problem, it is established that fluid filtration occurs predominantly in high-permeability zones. Adaptation of sector models to the history of development is a complex task and requires mandatory consideration of fluid filtration through the side surfaces of the model in complex-built reservoirs for the possibility of simulating steam leaks.


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