Digital economy of oil industry

UDK: 658.012.011.56:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2019-1-100-103
Key words: digital economy, oil and gas production, system analysis, uncertainty, digitalization, information technology
Authors: G.I. Shmal (Union of Oil & Gas Producers of Russia, RF, Moscow), L.I. Grigoryev (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), B.Ya. Kershenbaum (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), D.G. Leonov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)

The development of information technologies provided practical implementation of classical automation and control ideas and created prerequisites for the new economy concept with digital data representation, stimulating the creation of global information space as main production factor.

The article discusses system problems of digital economy in oil industry concept in accordance with the industry distinctive features. Evolution of system analysis enriched with the ideas of self-organizing systems, principles of the development and openness enabled qualitatively new approaches for the handling of uncertainty specific to the oil and gas production. Evolution nature of oil and gas generation, some specific uncertainties of oil industry objects and processes as well as main simulation approaches are considered.

Evolutional processes as the development basis have exerted strong influence upon the system analysis in technological processes management as well as the solution of multicriterion problems of economic-organizing management. The set of criteria itself evolved from mostly economic to risk oriented. The increase of the management decisions complexity caused the development of the technological processes management: from basic automate control systems to the complex systems provided full decision support at all levels of management hierarchy, from technological processes to the economic-organizing decisions accompanied with the increase of information technologies application.

The new automation stage of the production based on the principles of digital economy requires the integration of all available means and knowledge. The key role in the successful development of this project should be played by qualitatively new organization structures provided interdisciplinary approach and usage of scientific potential.


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