Comparative evaluation of the reuse value of storage for oil-contaminated waste based on DEA method

UDK: 502.36
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-11-139-144
Key words: waste of oil-refining industry, reuse value, oil-contaminated waste, storage object, recycling, data envelopment analysis
Authors: Yu.E. Pleshivtseva (Samara State Technical University, RF, Samara), M.Yu. Derevyanov (Samara State Technical University, RF, Samara), D.V. Kashirskikh (Samara State Technical University, RF, Samara), А.А. Pimenov (Samara State Technical University, RF, Samara), A.V. Kerov (Samara State Technical University, RF, Samara), V.K. Tyan (Samara State Technical University, RF, Samara)

The article is devoted to the problem of comparative evaluation of the reuse value of storage objects for oil-contaminated waste on the basis of analysis of data on the physicochemical composition of waste with the aim of differentiating resource sources in the analyzed group. The reuse value of wastes is a quantitative assessment of their physicochemical composition and properties, which determines the degree of suitability of waste for use as material resources in recycling technologies. Accounting for this assessment is necessary in determining the significance of a particular storage object as a source of these resources, as well as in calculating the resource potential of waste, which is a complex quantitative indicator of the possibility of effective waste recycling, assessed by a combination of diverse criteria (technological, logistic, technical-economic, environmental , etc.). The proposed methodology for comparative analysis of reuse value, based on the use of the method DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis),  allows  to obtain a relative, not an absolute assessment of reuse value, i.e. with its help it is possible to determine how each particular oil-contaminated waste storage object is effective from the point of view of secondary use with respect to all other objects of the analyzed set. The effectiveness of each object in question in the most general case is defined as the quotient of  the sum of all its output parameters, determining positive characteristics or results, by the sum of all input factors representing means that are used to obtain positive results., The value of efficiency for each object is determined in relative units, after which the comparative analysis and ranking of objects is carried out. DEA-method allows to determine the most effective objects in the analyzed group and to construct the efficiency boundary corresponding to them, while the measure of ineffectiveness of all other objects is determined, in comparison with the most effective ones  in the group. An example of the application of the developed methodology to the solution of the problem of comparative evaluation of the resource value of a group consisting of twenty waste storage objects of the oil refining industry of the Samara region is given.


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