Digital supervising – effective management of well service and workover

UDK: 681.518:622.276.7
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-10-134-136
Key words: digital supervising, well service and workover, geo-supervising, interdisciplinary model of production management, pilot tests, experimental industrial works
Authors: S.A. Yaskin (LUKOIL-West Siberia, RF, Kogalym), V.V. Kondratiev (LUKOIL-West Siberia, RF, Kogalym), V.V. Kulchitskiy (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow; Interregional Gubkin Scientific and Technical Society of Oil and Gas Experts, RF, Moscow), A.V. Shchebetov (Research and Design Center of Oil and Gas Technologies JSC, RF, Moscow), A.K. Parkhomenko (Research and Design Center of Oil and Gas Technologies JSC, RF, Moscow), I.I. Dautov (Research and Design Center of Oil and Gas Technologies JSC, RF, Moscow), S.V. Pakhomov (RPE Elektrotekh LLC, RF, Izhevsk), A.V. Melnikov (Geophysmash LLC, RF, Saratov)

New types of oilfield services in Russia, such as digital supervising of well service and workover and geo-supervising of drilling, provide for the transition from a disciplinary management paradigm to an interdisciplinary model of production management, in which supervisory solutions are formed by specialists with interdisciplinary knowledge using a single information and digital base. The pilot tests stage is implemented at the facilities of well service and workover of Langepasneftegas. The performance of software and hardware is assessed. The effectiveness of organizational and technical solutions (mobility of the complex, combination of professions, interdisciplinary management, improvement of technical and economic indicators of well service and workover) is determined when monitoring the parameters of pumped liquids during the performance of the control and process control system operations: well killing, repair and insulation work, processing of bottom hole, well washing, face normalization using a screw downhole motor (drilling, milling). The successful pilot tests made possible in 2018 industrial implementation of the digital supervising in Pokachevneftegas, Urayneftegas, Povkhneftegas, Kogalymneftegas and Langepasneftegas. For further cost cutting we tested in Povkhneftegas digital supervising of emergency operations and optimization of core operations during overhaul of wells. We compiled the test program, the methodology, formed and conducted advanced training for specialists in mobile post digital supervising. We constructed, upgraded and equipped specialized vehicle on the basis of four-wheel drive vehicle UAZ. Hardware and software complex is created for digital supervising of emergency operations. This complex combine software SCUTP, mud logging station «Kedr 101» and automated workstation for supervisor for drilling and workover.


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