Making smart wells equipped with electric submersible pump units

UDK: 681.518:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-10-130-133
Key words: telemetry implementation, automation, intellectualization, smart well, adaptive control station, digitalization, intelligent algorithms
Authors: S.S.Ulianov (Samaraneftegas JSC, RF, Samara), R.I. Sagyndykov (Samaraneftegas JSC, RF, Samara), D.S. Davydov (Samaraneftegas JSC, RF, Samara), S.A. Nosov (Samaraneftegas JSC, RF, Samara), V.Ye. Dolinyuk (Samaraneftegas JSC, RF, Samara), A.V. Ilyin (Elekton CJSC, RF, Vladimir)

Every year the introduction and use of innovative technologies opens up new opportunities and challenges to solve problems in oil and gas industry. One of these problems is operational and rational management of wells within the concept of Digital Field. Digital field is a complex system of remote control of oil and gas production processes, the basis of which is the continuous analysis of flows and timely diagnosis of problems. Almost all large oil and gas companies are actively engaged in the development and search for ‘smart’ technologies, but at the moment the development has received only some component of the system, not the system as a whole.

In this article the authors propose to use an integrated approach to the problem, that is, the control of the pumping unit using a new intelligent algorithm in the control station and the downhole flow meter located on the discharge from the pump. This approach makes it possible to improve and optimize the existing method for controlling well equipped with electric submersible pump units. The difference between new approach and the standard scheme is the independent operation of the well. Intellectual algorithm selects the frequency using flowmeter data. Based on the flow rate of downhole fluid control station adapts the work of the well under the maximum production mode.

Such a new step, aimed at the introduction of intelligent algorithms in the reservoir – well – pump system, allows to ensure the continuous operation of the well. The refinement of intelligent algorithms at the maximum flow rate mode in the controller of the control station will provide an increase in additional production. Most energy-efficient mode will optimize the cost of electricity for the lifting of the extracted products.


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