Normative security regulations for steel vertical cylindrical tanks for oil and oil products

UDK: 006:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-9-148-151
Key words: tanks, normative documents, vertical steel cylindrical
Authors: N.N. Gorban (Caspian Pipeline Consortium JSC, RF, Moscow), G.G. Vasiliev (Gubkin State University, RF, Moscow), M.A. Lezhnev (Gubkin State University, RF, Moscow)

Vertical cylindrical steel tanks (VST) represent one of the most popular and widespread varieties of industrial structures, which, even in normal operation, are in a complex stress-strain state, therefore the task of ensuring their safety is determined primarily by complying with the requirements of federal norms and rules in the area of design, construction, operation and technogenic safety.

Features of technical regulation in the area of ensuring the safety of buildings and structures are established by Federal Law No. 384-FZ dated 30.12.2009 "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures". To comply with the requirements of this law, the Government of the Russian Federation approves the List of national standards and codes of practice (parts of such standards and sets of rules) of mandatory application.

The article provides evidence that mandatory national standards and rules included in the List do not reflect special aspects of the design and operation of VST for oil and petroleum products. The documents considered in this article from the List refer to other normative documents with corresponding requirements, as well as the standards of various organizations, but all of them have the status of voluntary application. Thus, designers to ensure safety requirements in the design, manufacture, construction and testing of VST are currently forced to use normative and technical documents that have the status of voluntary application. The main task for the realization of safe, economically and functionally effective structural and engineering solutions is the development of an interconnected system of mandatory standards and voluntary regulations.


1. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2014 no. 1521 approved a new List of national standards and codes of practice, mandatory compliance with which results in compliance with the Federal Law of 30 December 2009 no. 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on safety of buildings and facilities".

2. Rukovodstvo po bezopasnosti vertikal'nykh tsilindricheskikh stal'nykh rezervuarov dlya nefti i nefteproduktov (Guide to the safety of vertical cylindrical steel tanks for oil and petroleum products), Moscow: Publ. of NTTs PB, 2013, 121 p.

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