Thermal processing of pipelines welding joints on the route and in factory conditions

UDK: 621.78:621.791.05
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-9-134-137
Key words: postweld heat treatment, weld, steel construction, pipelines, welding, tube, local heat-treatment
Authors: D.A. Neganov (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow), N.G. Goncharov (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow), A.A. Yushin (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow), O.I. Kolesnikov (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow)

The technology of heat treatment of steel as a set of operations of heating, holding and cooling of steel products in order to obtain a given level of properties due to changes in the internal structure and texture has long been known. The determining factors that affect the properties of metals are the holding time in the heated state and the cooling rate. However, in the field of pipeline construction, heat treatment technology has been actively used only since the middle of the last century, when they began to use local heat treatment and subjected to thermal effects only part of the design, where it is necessary to optimize the properties, in particular, welded joint. Local heat treatment makes it possible to obtain the required mechanical properties in certain areas of metal structures. Basically, heat treatment optimizes the parameters of hardness, strength, viscosity and plasticity. During the construction of pipelines by means of thermal effects on the weld joint reduce the level of residual welding stresses and contribute to their more uniform distribution along the perimeter of the joint, improve the structure of the metal in the weld areas, and when performing repair work by heating the repair zone reduce the content of diffusion and residual hydrogen in the metal. The reduction of hydrogen in the metal increases the weldability of steel, especially when welding is performed at low temperatures.

The article presents various technologies of heat treatment of steel structures, both on the track and in the factory. The requirements to the equipment, quality control and organization of works at heat treatment are considered, classification of control operations at various stages of works is presented, perspective variants of work are offered.


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