To the problem of scaling in electric centrifugal pumps

UDK: 622.276.72
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-9-116-120
Key words: oil production by electric centrifugal pumps, salt deposition, low-yield wells operation
Authors: R.F. Sharafutdinov (Bashkir State University, RF, Ufa), R.A. Valiullin (Bashkir State University, RF, Ufa), A.A. Gareev (Oil and Gas Production Department Nizhnesortymsckheft, Surgutneftegas PJSC, RF, Nizhnesortymscky)

During operation of the electric centrifugal pump, a gas-oil mixture accumulates above its suction eyes. As the temperature rises, the pressure decreases to saturation pressure, and the pump is surrounded by gas bubbles that are in dynamic equilibrium with the layers of oil upflow and downflow. The centrifugal pump efficiency depends mainly on the content of free gas bubbles in the mixture. On model liquids it is shown that with an air-to-oil content of 5%, the pump efficiency can be reduced by 25 - 30%. Pump starvation happens at higher gas content in the mixture. Excessive temperature rise in the pump results in the boiling of the formation water inside it. At low  pump intake  pressure the boiling point of water can be 120-150°C, as the pressure at  the pump intake  increases, the water boiling temperature   also increases. Changes in pressure and the corresponding water boiling temperature are the reason for the beginning of the process of deposition of salts - scale in the internal cavity of the pump.

During electric centrifugal pump well operation the pressure at the pump intake decreases, which leads to an increase in the content of free gas in the gas-liquid mixture. The increase in gas content causes a pump efficiency decrease, which in turn causes an increase in its temperature. If, at the same time, the boiling temperature of the produced water is equal to or less than the temperature of the pump, then the process of its boiling will begin in the cavity of the pump. By adjusting the pressure at the electric centrifugal pump intake, it is possible to avoid boiling of the formation water and, consequently, salt deposits in the cavity of the pump.


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