Revised geological model and facies zonation of Upper Devonian carbonates sediments of Lyzhsko-Kyrtaelskiy arch and Pechorogorodskaya step in relation of their oil and gas potential

UDK: 551.243
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-9-20-24
Key words: Kharyginskoye field, Upper Devonian, paleoelevation, barrier reef, agglutiherm, paleotectonic analysis, seismofacies analysis, hydrocarbon accumulation
Authors: S.V. Kochetov (VNIIneft JSC, RF, Moscow), P.A. Shakhov (VNIIneft JSC, RF, Moscow)

The authors consider special features of structure and conditions of formation of Upper Devonian sediments at Kharyaginskoye field. Typification of the sections by well logging and core data, seismofacies analysis and paleotectonic analysis are the main methods used in this study. Seismofacies and paleotectonic analysis were applied involving the partial correlation of secondary seismic horizons.

It was observed that Upper Devonian section of Kharyaginskoye field is described in terms of dramatic facies variation. Both the main facies zones of Upper Devonian complex and shallow shelf backreef zone are varied in terms of reservoir and seal formation. Shallow shelf backreef zone widely developed in central and north parts of the area in later Frasnian and Famenian time. This study allowed to outline the paleoelevation in Evlaov-Liven part of the section. This paleoelevation was the base for carbonate block of uncertain genesis in zadon-elets sedimentation time. Potentially this kind of carbonate build-ups could have the enhanced reservoir properties. It is noted that because of insufficient drilling and core data it is impossible now to make definite conclusions if carbonate blocks with good reservoir properties are developed within the backreef zone. Nevertheless, this zone is prospective in terms of the presence of carbonate blocks with enhanced reservoir properties.


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