Facies modeling algorithm considering sedimentary features of Permian deposits P1as in case of insufficient field data

UDK: 551.7.022
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-9-16-19
Key words: carbonate deposit, facies, electrofacies analysis, Permian deposits, sedimentological model, modeling algorithm, poroperm properties estimation, STOIIP calculation, Timan-Pechora petroleum province
Authors: E.A. Mironenko (VNIIneft JSC, RF, Moscow)

Within the Timan-Pechora petroleum province several dozen of oil and gas fields have been discovered in the Lower Permian formations, which productivity is associated with carbonate deposits – reefs, bioherms, marginal platforms. Carbonates differ from terrigenous rock not only by improved reservoir properties but also by complex structure of carbonate formation, ambiguity of lithotypes within reservoir, there are still unsolved issues on the assessment and forecast of vugginess and rock fracturing. The important issues regarding to assessment and development carbonate oil or gas fields are determination of deposition environment, identification of main geological factors influenced on high-capacity reservoir forming, studying of regularities of poroperm properties changing in carbonates with various genesis, analyzing of correlation relationships between estimated parameters. Field data available for modeling usually is very scarce and limited by insufficiency or low quality of well and seismic data, which in turn facilitates the development of simple but effective reservoir poroperm properties estimation algorithms. Modeling algorithm for permanent geological and technological model (PDGTM) of the Lower Permian carbonate deposits in conditions of insufficient field data was studied using an example of oil field located on the Kolvinsky megaswell (Timan-Pechora province). The purpose of actual work is properly analyzing of all available data and revealing of lithotypes distribution patterns, which have most promising poroperm properties for field development. In geological modeling, methodology choosing generally depends on object of research and quality of available data. Taking into account specific features of carbonate deposits, proposed algorithm in this paper can be used for rapid assessment of field at exploration activities.


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