Event-oriented approach to ensuring reliability in the design and development of energy systems

UDK: 622.692.4-192
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-8-87-91
Key words: energy system, reliability of the energy system, functioning of the system, supply of consumers, safety of pipeline transport systems
Authors: I.Yu. Lisin (Caspian Pipeline Consortium-R JSC, RF, Novorossiysk), A.M. Korolenok (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), RF, Moscow), Yu.V. Kolotilov (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), RF, Moscow)

To achieve proper reliability, safety and integrity when designing and operating a power supply system, one needs to consider its configuration complexity, a huge number of items and elements that constitute the system, multiple geographically distributed consumers with different requirements to power supply reliability, required continuity of system operation and strong interrelation between its subsystems and components’ operation modes, supplies reliability requirements, irregularities of power consumption, probability of sequential failures, dependence of its throughput capacity on ambient conditions, system’s operation modes and equipment configuration, any territorial hierarchy of subsystems and control elements as well as any temporary decision making hierarchy, various hardware to ensure reliability, and operator’s involvement in control processes.

The paper addresses issues related to the safety of the power supply system and its components along with methods for making relevant managerial solutions. Interrelations among the individual aspects of reliability, conditions and processes occurring in power supply systems are described too. The paper defines conceptual principles that serve as a scientific basis for making decisions to ensure power supply system operation reliability. These decisions define proportional development of the power supply system and its subsystems and result in a list of facilities to be built and upgraded, along with their key design parameters. The paper identifies some key challenges faced by those willing to secure power supply system reliability at the planning and upgrade stages. The event-oriented approach described in the paper makes it possible to ensure reliability, safety and integrity of the power supply system when planning its expansion or upgrade. The paper also contains a classification of methods and tools to ensure power supply system reliability.


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