Configuration and energy supply of promising types of underwater pumping complexes for transportation of hydrocarbons from the shelf

UDK: 622.692.4.052.012
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-3-77-81
Key words: shelf, hydrocarbons, underwater pumping complex, configuration, power supply
Authors: B.U. Vasilev (Saint-Petersburg Mining University, RF, Saint-Petersburg), P.S. Grigorev (Saint-Petersburg Mining University, RF, Saint-Petersburg), V.M. Shulgenko (Saint-Petersburg Mining University, RF, Saint-Petersburg)

The main attention in the article is concentrated on layout decisions and methods of power supply of underwater pumping complexes with regulated electric drives of multiphase pumps. The main provisions showing the advantages of using underwater pumping complexes in place of traditional technical means of transporting hydrocarbons (gas carriers and tankers) in terms of performance characteristics, transportation management, economic, resource, environmental efficiency and safety are formulated. It is also shown that at present time highly reliable and safe units in other industries are being created on the basis of regulated electric drives and multiphase pumps, and underwater units already have successful experiences of experimental and industrial operation on the offshore pipeline systems of various countries.

Various methods for the traditional arrangement of pumping complexes are considered. It is shown that such aggregates can have a horizontal or vertical arrangement with one or more pumps. The supply and removal of the flow of a multiphase mixture of hydrocarbons can be carried out radially or horizontally, depending on the features of the installation and operation. A method for arranging a pumping complex integrated into a subsea pipeline on the basis of a drive machine with a flowing rotor, controlled by a semiconductor converter, is proposed. Features of the developed layout are pumped using the axial rotor-compressor, mechatronic design of the complex, installation on the bottom without a foundation, modularity. The structure of a frequency converter of a distributed type is proposed, which allows to effectively control the technological process of hydrocarbon transportation and supply electric power to a rotor-compressor of an underwater pumping complex. The use of the developed frequency converter allows solving energy problems and reliability problems of frequency converters of other structures.

The main places of use and perspective areas of application of underwater pumping complexes are considered.


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