Ice and hydrometeorological survey at Khatangskiy license block in the Laptev Sea

UDK: 550.8(26)
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-3-22-27
Key words: meteorology, hydrology, sea ice, Khatanga Bay, Laptev Sea
Authors: A.A. Pashali (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), K.А. Kornishin (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), P.A. Tarasov (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), Ya.O. Efimov (Arctic Research Centre JSC, RF, Moscow), Yu.P. Gudoshnikov (Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, RF, Saint-Petersburg), S.M. Kovalev3, E.U. Mironov (Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, RF, Saint-Petersburg), E.I. Makarov (Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, RF, Saint-Petersburg), A.V. Nesterov (Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, RF, Saint-Petersburg)

Development of hydrocarbon deposits in Arctic offshore areas is associated with high ecological and technological risks because of severe climatic environment. Economic activities in this region should be supplemented by continuous monitoring environmental parameters. According to exploration work, Khatanga license block in the Laptev Sea could be considered to have a high hydrocarbon potential. At the same time, the Khatanga Bay, located in the southwestern part of the Laptev Sea, is characterized by harsh hydrometeorological conditions: low air temperatures in combination with storm winds, frequent fogs and snowstorms, and severe ice conditions. These factors greatly complicate the economic development of the region and require a detailed account of the environmental conditions of the region. An example of advanced scientific development is the Khatanga license area, where in parallel with the exploration works of Rosneft, year-round hydrometeorological and ice surveys are conducted at the temporary field base "Khastyr", organized by the Company in the summer of 2016. In addition, complex marine expeditions were conducted in this region to study hydrometeorological and ice conditions in summer and winter. Local features of the formation of the ice cover are associated with the influx of fresh water and a large number of impurities. In general, sea ice here is characterized by increased strength. Dependencies in the spatial distribution of various types of deformed ice features such as grounded ice (stamukhas) and hummock ridges, have been revealed. The comprehensive meteorological, hydrological and ice research program was carried out at the Khatanga license area during winter period of 2016-2017. The obtained environmental data significantly expanded the modern knowledge of the hydrometeorological and ice conditions of the Khatanga Bay and the adjacent Laptev Sea.


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