Prospectives of elimination of environmental pollution by oil-contaminated wastes at oil production facilities

UDK: 504.064.47
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2017-11-149-152
Key words: oil production, gas dehydration, environmental pollution, DCR-process, waste utilization, oil sludge, spent diatomite filter powder, spent silica-gel
Authors: T.P. Kosulina, D.G. Antoniadi, T.A. Litvinova, O.S. Тsokur (Kuban State Technological University, RF, Krasnodar)

The transfer of oily wastes to secondary raw materials is provided by a reagent method of oil sludge utilization according to the priority goals in science and technology – rational nature management. The aim of the article is to reduce environmental pollution in oil production and natural gas preparation by creating new technologies of hydrocarbon wastes utilization with the formation of recovery products by encapsulating chemical contaminants during the hydration of calcium oxide and the formation of insoluble silicates that increase the efficiency of the DCR process (Dispersion by chemical reaction with alkali earth metals oxides). To provide ecological safety to the product of utilization three components were used in the decontamination composition: calcium oxide, spent silica-containing sorbents – diatomite filter powder enriched with plant wax substances, and silica gel. Silica-containing sorbent promotes the formation of insoluble calcium silicates, reducing the solubility of the capsules of the product of utilization. Possessing the residual properties of the sorbent it adsorbs the heavy metals and hydrocarbons contained in the oil sludge. The process is carried out by successive mixing oily waste preliminarily heated up to the temperature of 80-85°C with oil and fat industry wastes at a ratio of 1: (0.1-0.3) by weight and quicklime with water in the amount of 62-91% оf wastes until the formation of a homogeneous hydrophobic loose fine powder. Joint utilization of oil sludge and spent silica gel that's the waste of the natural gas preparation unit for transport, ensures minimal migration of harmful substances into the environment from waste products which are suitable for use in construction, in particular, as a complex organomineral additive in expanded clay and activated mineral powder in asphalt concrete mixtures.


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