Increasing the reliability of reservoir evaluation based on petrofacial modeling

UDK: 550.8.072
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2017-11-99-101
Key words: petrophysical studies, facies analysis, petrofacial modeling, petrofacial type, economic efficiency
Authors: V.V. Morozov, E.O. Belyakov, Sh.V. Mukhidinov (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg)

Today, practically all oil-producing companies have faced inefficiency of traditional technologies of research and development of reservoir. In the late development, when maintaining the level of oil and gas production is a strategic task, solving the problems of searching for missed intervals, classifying reservoirs for quality, ranking the zones for drilling new production wells becomes more urgent.

In the last decade, new instruments have been developed to study the properties of rocks and reservoir fluids in wells or in laboratory conditions. Methodological and metrological support of modern equipment allows supplementing the geological view of deposits, but a number of wells where new technologies are used usually do not exceed 10%, and often is only 3-5%.

Since the share of the main well stock with the basic log data is more than 90%, a very important issue of improving the quality of the study is an increase in the informativeness of petrophysical support.

The variety of results of core research provides the development of new technologies at the junction of different disciplines. In this paper, the principle of petrophysical modeling of reservoir properties is considered, taking into account the facies features of the formation of oil and gas bearing deposits.


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