Audit and HSE risk assessment principles at third-party marine terminals

UDK: 502.36:622.692
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2017-11-68-69
Key words: risk assessment, process safety, marine terminal
Authors: D.S. Serebrennikov, K.M. Stavrati, A.V. Markeev (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow)
The paper presents a methodology for auditing and assessing risks in the field of process safety at third-party oil terminals that provide services for the storage, transportation and transshipment of oil and petroleum products for the benefit of Rosneft Oil Company. The methodology establishes a common approach and requirements for the organization and conduct of audits, analysis and assessment of risks in the field of industrial and fire safety, labor protection and environmental safety. So in a technique are presented: frequency and frequency of carrying out of audits; the description of the main stages of the audit; the procedure for interaction between the Company's supervising structural divisions, the structural subdivisions of a third-party oil terminal; assessment and analysis of risks of non-conformities based on a risk-based approach; categorizing terminals based on the results of risk assessment; the process of monitoring the reduction of risks in the field of industrial and fire safety, labor protection and environmental safety, the implementation of corrective actions based on the recommendations of auditors. During the audit, the following activities are performed: verification and analysis of the project, operational and working documentation of the terminal, with the participation of managers and specialists of the responsible structural units of the terminal; inspection of terminal facilities, assessment of the technical condition of production equipment and facilities; verification of the implementation of appropriate organizational and regulatory measures in the field of industrial and fire safety, labor protection and environmental safety at the terminal, compliance with plans and schedules for the implementation of organizational and technical measures. The purpose of the implementation of the methodology is to reduce the risks of accidents at third-party oil terminals, costs and negative impact on the image of Rosneft Oil Company associated with the occurrence of delays in supply or shortage of refined products and petrochemicals to buyers due to incidents and other incidents at these terminals.

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