Issue of drilling fluids services in the context of import substitution

UDK: 622.244.4.06
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2017-9-76-81
Key words: import substitution, drilling fluids, chemicals, materials, geological conditions
Authors: E.Yu. Kambulov (CoreTechs Services JSC, RF, Moscow), T.O. Myazin (Gazprom geologorazvedka LLC, RF, Tyumen)

The report represents the analysis of problems that confront specialized business subject to powerful competition and price containment in the context of import substitution. The period from the initiation of the import substitution program by the Russian Government in 2013 to 2016 was marked with an increase in quantity of the home contractors.

Authors of the report review outside and inside factors that service contractors should deal with on the markets of drilling fluids. These main factors include: ex-pansion of job geography, complication of drilling geology, shortage of qualified specialists, shortcoming of standardization in drilling fluids and materials etc.

The report contains classification of materials into bulk, special additives and pol-ymers. Details were given to three defined groups of polymer components of drilling fluids: polysaccharides, acrylic series synthetic polymers, modified humates and lignin sulfonates. In the work, authors present results of laboratory tests of materials for conformity with ISO 13500 and GOST Р 56946-2016.

The report contains the analysis of market of mud materials and chemicals, and general conclusions about issues of drilling fluids services in the context of import substitution. Special consideration is given to the higher education problems of training provision for mud engineers. Complications were also highlighted in certification and legal documentation for input check of materials and mud parameters.

Main conclusions were made related to cooperation of petroleum companies, en-gineering departments, developers of legal documentation, material producers, service contractors. This allows for import substitution in drilling fluids services.


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