Complex method for core samples investigations to determine the parameters of the natural reservoirs and the main characteristics of high-carbon formations

UDK: 550.822.3
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2017-4-44-47
Key words: Bazhenov formation, complex method of investigation, natural reservoir
Authors: E.A. Manuilova, A.G. Kalmykov, G.A. Kalmykov (Lomonosov Moscow State University, RF, Moscow), N.N. Bogdanovich (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, RF, Moscow), I.A. Karpov, T.V. Mamyashev (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg)
In recent years, increased attention is focused on the study of high-carbon formations which are very promising for the oil and gas production and replenishment of the resource base of the oil industry. Unfortunately, at present time there is no approved method for the study of core samples, which allows to evaluate the oil potential of such formations, predict behaviors of their structure and distribution of promising sites in the area, and to assess the feasibility of using different mining methods. Based on the experience of high-carbon formations core samples investigation and analysis of the results the complex method for core samples investigations was developed. This method allows primarily to detect natural (dynamic porosity value of gas is higher than 3%) and technically stimulated oil and gas reservoirs, determine their main characteristics. The mehtod is based on research experiments, that are focused on studying the material composition and structure of rocks, includes measurements of reservoir properties by gas-volumetric method, determination of the main pyrolytic parameters before and after organic solvent extraction, and special research methods such as nuclear magnetic resonance, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray microtomography, that combined allow to identify and study the structure of the pore space of rocks and fluids contained therein. The article shows the flow rates of the dynamic porosity, justifying the choice of the boundary value of 3%. The role of kerogen porosity in the formation of the natural reservoir is demonstrated, and methods for studying it are presented. It was shown in the article that parameters for estimating oil and gas reserves and resources in the high-carbon deposits can be determined by the obtained characteristics of rocks.


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