Development of resource planning approach in engineering projects of oil and gas industry

UDK: 338.45:622.276
Key words: workforce planning, collection of labor cost statistics, regression analysis, labor costs norm setting
Authors: A.V. Evnikeeva, I.V. Kuzmenkova, S.A. Yalygin (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg

This article covers the problem of identification of labor cost norms for implementation of engineering projects in oil and gas industry in the modern world. Complex approach to implementation of such projects requires systematic planning of labor, time and financial resources and lies at the intersection of two knowledge areas: Economics and HR. Such multifunctional interaction results in a new approach to resource planning which enables flexibility both in projects implementation and evaluation of their efficiency. This article describes theoretical aspects of labor costs planning and monitoring and proposes a stage-by-stage approach to labor norms calculation for each type of work. This approach is based on regression analysis which enables retrieval of average labor norms based on actual statistics from previous projects and considers external factors that impact labor costs as well as soft skills of personnel involved in project work. This approach not only enables appropriate workforce planning and anticipation of professional qualification of the company personnel but also allows proper prioritization of project activities and distribution of workload between project team members which in its turn results in reduction of costs and time. The authors of this article see further development in introduction of performance management system that could be calculated for each team member as well as for the entire company, provided that the planned labor norms and actual execution time data are available. This approach to resource planning is explained based on an actual labor norms calculation at one of the engineering projects implemented in Gazpromneft NTC LLC.


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