Seismic facies analysis for reservoir prediction in a low drilling maturity conditions

UDK: УДК 550.83.01
Key words: seismic facies analysis, reservoir prediction, Tyumen formation
Authors: T.A. Kononova, T.A. Nesterova, E.S. Latypova (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen)
The study is dedicated to the reservoir prediction specificity based on drilling, core and seismic data in a low drilling maturity conditions. The study area (800 km2) is covered with 3D seismics. Drilling maturity is low and irregular and composes 1 well per 200 km2.  Apart from this the southern part of the area (about 420 km2) has no wells.  The object of the study is J2 layer of Tyumen formation – regional oil-bearing formation. The genesis of the layer is continental in its lower part and coastal-marine in its upper part. The sedimentation specificity has determined a complex configuration and lateral heterogeneity of the reservoir. In these conditions conventional seismic opportunities, seismic facies analysis particularly is the optimal decision for geological risks mitigation. Results of the study are litho-facial map, zones of supposed reservoir distribution, net reservoir map. The described method is supposed to be advanced based on drilling results and used within the similar areas.
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