Recultivation of oil-contaminated lands by example of leached black humus earth of Tatarstan

Authors: I.A. Shaidullina (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma), A.Kh. Yapparov (Tatar Research Institute of Agrochemistry and Agrology, RF, Kazan), I.A. Degtyareva (Tatar Research Institute of Agrochemistry and Agrology, RF, Kazan), V.Z. Latypova, E.Sh. Gadieva (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan)

Key words: allowable residual oil content, recultivation of oil-contaminated lands, indigenous decomposing microorganisms, humic compounds.

Field and laboratory research has been carried out to compare effectiveness and ecological safety of novel biotechnologies based on indigenous decomposing microorganisms combined with nanosorbent, as well as humic compounds, and conventional approach providing for agrotechnical operations and land treatment with manure, for recultivation of oil-contaminated lands by example of Tatarstan’s leached black humus earth. It has been found out that in case of high levels of contamination, the novel technologies are more effectivecompared to conventional techniquesin that they enable to meet the standard for allowable residual oil content in soilsin a shorter period of time, and restore land fertility.
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