Prospects of oil-and-gas content of the deep-shipped deposits of the Verkhnepechorsky hollow by data basin modeling

Authors: O.E. Kochneva (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm), T.V. Karaseva, E.A. Kuznecova (Perm State National Research University, RF, Perm)

Key words: Vuktylskoye gas&condensate field, Verkhnepecherskaja depression, oil-bearing, modeling of sedimentary basins, the model of oil and gas generation.

The article is devoted to the problem of oil and gas deep horizons Verhnepecherskij basin Ural foredeep. Due to the deep position of the oil-gas complexes, complicating exploration in this area, natural systems basin modeling was implemented. This article describes the results of 1D simulation using the software package Genex of well Vuktylskaya-58, who revealed the deep horizons of the sedimentary cover. The authors made several conclusions about the possibility of generation of gases and condensates, which could ensure the formation of deposits not only in the deeper horizons, but also large deposits in the overlying sediments, the selected periods of generation and accumulation of hydrocarbons, determined the position of the main zone of oil formation according to wells, and the lower limit of the existence of oil.

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