Bench tests of the models of well casing during the perforation by cumulative perforators

Authors: I.R. Vasilenko, M.V. Chertenkov (LUKOIL-Engineering LLC, RF, Moscow), K.Yu. Shepel (VNIPIvzryvgeofizika JSC, RF, Ramenskoye)

Key words: well casing, cement stone, cumulative perforation, perforating channel, casing perforation, cracks formation, adhesion.

The basis of the effective completion of the production wells is the creation of reliable casing, the retention of the drainage characteristics of the near-wellbore zone of productive stratum, averting the overflows of fluids between the interlayers of productive stratum, the retention of cement stone from the cracking in the intervals of perforation. An increase in the permeability of the near-wellbore zone and the stratum structure around the perforating channels in many respects determine the production wells rate. At that the integrity and the reliability of the cement stone after perforation action has not smaller effect on the quality of the obtained production. The results of the experimental studies of the perforation action on the models casing string - cement stone - rock are given.
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