Design and commercialization of well stimulation technologies based on import-substituting chemical agents and compositions

Authors: R.Z. Sakhabutdinov, M.Kh. Musabirov, A.F. Yartiev (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma), V.G. Fadeev, M.M. Zalyatov, R.G. Khannanov (Tatneft OAO, RF, Almetyevsk)

Key words: technology, import substitution, bottom-hole zone treatment, well stimulation, technology effectiveness, economic benefits.

For the last decade, the research efforts of TatNIPIneft Institute have been aimed at the feasibility of designing of new EOR methods, compositions of completion fluids, and novel technologies for controlled physicochemical stimulation, considering optimization of expenses associated with import substitution. Pilot projects yielded encouraging results though differing in effectiveness in terms of both technology and economics. These differences can be accounted for diversity of technological options, variety of geological and operation environment, and risks inherent to all experimental and pilot projects.

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