Systematic approach to studying of carbonate source rock of petroleum of gas-and-oil field in the Orenburg Region

Authors: R.S. Khisamov (Tatneft OAO, RF, Almetyevsk), V.G. Bazarevskaya (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma), I.O. Burkhanova, N.A. Skibitskaya, V.A. Kuzmin (Oil and Gas Research Institute of RAS, RF, Moscow), B.A. Nikulin (Lomonosov Moscow State University, RF, Moscow)

Key words: petroleum source rock, petrophysical survey, geochemical survey, geophysical survey, electron microscopic study.

Complex analysis of core samples from carbonate petroleum source rock of the Artinskian stage of Dimitrovskoye gas-and-oil field in the Orenburg Region enabled to determine the lithology of rocks under study, the structure of reservoir storage volume, and reveal the patterns of organic matter distribution. As a result of integrated petrophysical, geochemical, geophysical and electron microscopic studies, relationships between organic matter content and concentration of normally occurring radioactive elements were identified. Recommendations on standard and extended well logging suite are given.

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