О разработке скважинного термоэлектрического устройства для строительства и эксплуатации скважин в районах с многолетнемерзлыми породами

UDK: 622.276.057
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-3-66-69
Ключевые слова: термоэлектрический эффект, эффект Пельтье, многолетнемерзлая порода, экспериментальное исследование, термозащитное оборудование, распределение температуры
Авт.: П.Л. Павлова (Сибирский федеральный университет), П.М. Кондрашов (Сибирский федеральный университет)

Climate warming, which has been going on the territory of Russia with the speed of two and a half times as much as global warming, has become the reason of permafrost melting, which takes more than half of the territory of the Russian Federation. According to IPCC’s estimates, the warming which has been since the middle of the 20th century is human induced with probability of 95%. That is why the construction and operation of oil wells may lead to acceleration of permafrost degradation process, which will cause numerous technogenic accidents. In this regard development of thermal protective equipment is a crucial task. The central focus of research and design work is development of passive thermal protective equipment like thermal insulated direction, oil well tubing etc., and also development of active thermal protective equipment – heat stabilizers with the use of coolants, for example, ammonia, Freon R22, but these devices have got some drawbacks. That is why in order to create effective and environmental friendly thermal protective equipment it is necessary to develop new technology, which would be able to control and react swiftly on natural and man-induced impact on permafrost.

In our opinion, downhole thermoelectric device can be used as such technology. It means thermal flow control in the system “well-permafrost” by regulating current rate and voltage in thermoelectric elements with optional use of thermal conductivity of different materials for improving effectiveness of their work. In this article the results of experimental investigation of temperature distribution along the plate surface from the action of thermoelectric element have been included, experimental data with theoretical values of Green functions and the suggested formula have been compared. The conclusion concerning the possibility of designing a downhole thermoelectric device for thermal flow control in the system “well-permafrost” has been drawn.


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